Directory of Researchers

If you would like to be included in the following directory of researchers, please submit your details using this form. The directory is open to all staff, students and researchers with an interest in Classical Reception. Updated: December 17, 2023.


Australian National University

Dr. Paul Burton
Senior Lecturer, Centre for Classical Studies


Research Interests: International Relations in the ancient Mediterranean
Reception of Roman and Greek history in the post-Classical world
the Ancient World in Film

Current Project: Friendship and Empire: The Establishment of Rome’s Amicitia with Heraclea Pontica (190 BC)
Rome vs. Macedon: the Great War for Mediterranean Supremacy, 172-167 BC



Dr. Ioannis Ziogas
Lecturer, Classics and Ancient History



Research Interests: Reception of Ovid in the twentieth century (Rushdie, Malouf, Shakar). A.D. Hope and classical literature.

Deakin University

Dr. Flavia Marcello
Lecturer, Architecture and Built Environment


Research Interests: Reception of the Classical world during the Italian Fascist period, in particular the use of text on facades and in interiors of buildings. Also: archeology, archaeological approaches, exhibitions and the use of Augustus as a model of rule.


La Trobe University

Lauren Murphy
Postgraduate Student, Department of Languages and Linguistics



Research Interests: Antiquities collections, the influence of ancient art and myth in Renaissance collections, the contemporary harnessing of classical culture for status and point-scoring.

Current projects: Currently writing my thesis about the reception of Greek and South Italian vases during the Renaissance. This means looking at records of collections, the influence of vase imagery on art of the period, and the esteem associated with collecting antiquities.


Macquarie University

Blanche Menadier
Program Director, Bachelor of International Studies
Department of International Studies


Research Interests: Neoclassicism in art and architecture; The legacy of Hellenism

Current Projects: Neoclassical style: the visual vocabulary of power in European and colonial in public architecture and monuments; Troy through the ages: the visual representation of a mythohistorical city


Aimee Turner
ECR - Macquarie University, La Trobe University; Federation University


Research Interests: Early imperial Rome, Late Antiquity, Gender and Power, sexuality

Current Projects: Reception of Greek and Roman female figures in catalogs of women in the Renaissance


Monash University

Assoc. Prof. Jane Montgomery Griffiths
Department of Performance Studies,
School of English, Communications, and Performance Studies


Research Interests: Greek and Roman theatre in modern performance and reception; application of critical, cultural and performance theory to the Classics.

Current Projects: Working on the application of interdisciplinary/transferable methodologies to the study of ancient dramatic texts and contemporary performance practice (in particular, experiential insight and reflective practice in relation to performances of Sophocles’ Electra). 


Dr Chris Murray
Literary Studies


Research Interests: British Romanticism/Victorian literature, tragedy, Irish studies, Orientalism, and how classical reception converges with those areas.

Current Projects: I am writing a book for Oxford University Press on how classical culture contributes to British ideas of China in the nineteenth century.


University of Adelaide



University of Auckland

Maxine Lewis
Lecturer, Classics and Ancient History


Research Interests: Latin literature, especially Catullus; Catullus' reception in later literatures; Gender and sexuality in Classical antiquity; Theory and Classics, e.g. the application of intertextuality, post-colonial theory, intersectional feminism, etc to both ancient texts and their reception.

Current Projects:Catullus' poetics of place; Catullus' reception in 20th and 21st century literature; Intersectionality in antiquity.


University of Canterbury

Associate Professor Robin Bond
School of Classics and Linguistics


Research Interests: The translation and presentation for the contemporary stage of classical drama, both Greek and Latin.

Current Projects: A translation of Euripides' "Alcestis" for possible production to coincide with 2008 ASCS/NZ Triennial at Canterbury. Also a production of Euripides' "Cyclops" at the same time in a version based on the translation of my colleague Dr Patrick O'Sullivan. I am also interested in building up a teaching collection of tapes/DVDs of appropriate material for use in researching and teaching modern re-presentations of ancient drama.


University of Melbourne

Dr Djoymi Baker
Lecturer, Screen and Cultural Studies, School of Culture and Communication


Research Interests: Adaptations of classical mythology in screen media; contemporary concepts of myth.


Leanne Grech
Postgraduate Student, Research Assistant
Department of Classics
School of Culture and Communications

Research Interests: Oscar Wilde, Victorian Oxford Classical Curriculum, English Aestheticism, Modern Literature, Media Culture (Victorian-early 20th C), The Great War, Modern Receptions of Classical Mythology.

Current Projects: PhD - Oscar Wilde the Great of 'Greats': Aestheticism, Christ and Oxford Classics.


Aleks Michalewicz
Postgraduate Student, Sessional Tutor
The Centre for Classics and Archaeology


Research Interests: The uses of myth in contemporary settings, specifically as it is utilised in music; constructions of masculinity; sex and gender; transgression; hybridity; liminality; ritual.

Current Projects: M. A. thesis on demigods at Troy: their role in the destruction of the city, and the end this heralds for the 'heroic' generations within Greek myth.


Sarah Midford
Postgraduate student and tutor


Research interests: Roman republican triumph, modern processions and their relation to the triumphal procession, visual spectacle in Rome, ancient propaganda in art and architecture.


Dr Paul Monaghan
Senior Honorary Fellow, School of Performing Arts, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne
Classics and History, Nipissing University, Ontario, Canada
Adjunct Professor, Theatre Department, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Research interests: Theatre/Classics academic, theatre director & dramaturg, editor. Co-convenor, The Dramaturgies Project. Co-editor, Double Dialogues (

Current Projects: I am writing a history of the reception of Greek drama in Australia. I recently published a chapter which constitutes a brief summary of the work: Monaghan, P. 2016. 'Greek Drama in Australia', in Betine van Zyl Smit (ed.), The Reception of Greek Drama (Blackwell Handbooks to Classical Reception series; Wiley, pp.422-445.


Miriam Riverlea
Postgraduate Student, Sessional Tutor


Research Interests: The manifestations of myth in ancient and contemporary contexts; the role of children's literature in perpetuating the classical tradition; the enduring power of the Troy story.

Current Projects: M.A. thesis on the myth of the wooden horse - its crafting, development and deployment.


Donna Storey
Postgraduate Student
School of Historical and Philosophical Studies


Research Interests: I am interested in the use of classical reception for the purposes of political propaganda, e.g. by Mussolini during the Fascist period. I am also interested in classical reception in modern pop culture, for example in the Eurovision Song Contest, cinema, tv, etc.

Current Projects: I am currently in the final stages of my PhD, examining the use of ancient Rome in pre-Fascist and Fascist propaganda, particularly in relation to territorial and cultural expansion.


Dr Caroline Tully
Honorary Fellow, Adjunct
School of Historical and Philosophical Studies



Research Interests: Reception of the art, architecture and religions of the ancient Mediterranean, especially the appropriation of ancient Egyptian religion within Western Esotericism and ancient 'Minoan' religion within contemporary Paganism.

Current Projects: Ongoing work on the reception of ancient Egyptian religion in nineteenth century British occultism and subsequent Neo-Pagan movements. Ecstatic experiences in the ancient world.


Dr Monique Webber
Honorary Fellow, Principal Instructor, Assistant Coordinator
School of Historical and Philosophical Studies



Research Interests: Public Art and Political Discourse. Roman Visual Culture. Changing Perceptions of Classical Heritage. The Impact of Classical Memory on Early Modern Topography and Modern Culture.


University of New England

Dr Elizabeth Hale
Senior Lecturer, School of Arts


Research Interests: Nineteenth-century British classical tradition; esp. representation of classical scholars, the classical impulse in children's literature; the underworld, classical and Christian. New Zealand children's literature.

Current Projects: Articles on masculinity in Victorian representations of classical scholars; a book on the role of intelligence in Victorian children's literature. Edited book on The Three Worlds of Maurice Gee (with Lawrence Jones).


University of Newcastle

Conjoint Professor Michael Ewans
Conjoint Professor: School of Humanities and Social Science


Research Interests: Reception of Greek tragedy and comedy (also epic), especially into opera.

Current Projects: Editor of and contributor to A Cultural History of Comedy (Antiquity) (Bloomsbury Methuen). Recently completed: article on Szymanowski's opera King Roger, which was inspired by Euripides' Bacchae.


Dr Leanne Glass
Conjoint Fellow: School of Humanities and Social Science


Research Interests: The study and analysis of cinematic adaptations of literature, myth and history from Ancient Greece and Rome.

Current Projects: Political themes in Federico Fellini's Fellini Satyricon; a consideration on the connections found in Pier Paolo Pasolini and Lars von Trier's Medeas.


Professor Marguerite Johnson
Professor: School of Humanities and Social Science


Research Interests:
• interdisciplinary cultural history of the ancient Mediterranean
• comparative cultural analyses
• gender and post-colonial theories
• Classical Reception Studies in dialogue with Australasian colonial and post-colonial history
• gender, sexualities and the body in the ancient Mediterranean


Nicole Kimball
Postgraduate Student/Tutor: School of Humanities and Social Science


Research Interests: Classical Mythology, Folklore, Magic, Popular Culture.

Current Projects: Thesis Topic: The Reception of Magic across Time and Place.


Tanika Koosmen
Postgraduate Student, Tutor: School of Humanities and Social Science


Research Interests: Transformation myths and their reception in modern media; Classical reception in folk and fairy tales; gender, sexuality, and body studies in antiquity.

Current Projects: The development and cultural impact of man-to-wolf transformation.


Adam Turner
Postgraduate Student: Humanities and Social Science, Faculty of Education and Arts


Research Interests: Classical reception, folklore, magic, myth & legend, monstrous beings, gender & sexuality and popular culture.

Current Projects: Reception of Greco-Roman monsters in contemporary popular mediums.


University of Queensland

Professor Alastair Blanshard
Paul Eliadis Chair of Classics and Ancient History
School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry

Twitter: @AlastairBlan

Research Interests: Greek cultural history, the use of myth, the politics of translation, classics and popular culture, and issues of gender and sexuality.

Current Projects: "Post-classicisms" (an international research network funded by the Princeton Global Collaborative network fund); Locating the Greek Body; Travel and the Invention of Greece.


University of Sydney

Robin Dixon
Postgraduate Student and Tutor
Department of Performance Studies


Research Interests: Plautine drama; Roman theatrical performance, stagecraft, and conventions; reception of ancient drama.

Current Projects: PhD thesis: Space and Place in the Plautine Theatre.


Ben Ferris
Postgraduate Student and Director of Sydney Film School
Department of Classics and Ancient History


Website: and

Research Interests: Ancient Greek Myth and World Cinema

Current Projects: Croatian-Australian Feature Film "Penelopa", based upon Homer's Penelope.


Dr Nicholas Hardwick
Honorary Associate
Department of Classics and Ancient History


Research Interests: Ancient coinage, especially Greek coinage (Chios, Athens and Terone); archaic silver ingots and precious metal use; forgeries of ancient Greek coins made in Italy in the 18th century; the representation of classical antiquities in 19th century paintings, especially ancient Jewish coins in two works of William Holman Hunt; the iconography of south Italian vase painting, especially representations of Euripides' Medea; and the curation of antiquities.


Katherine Harper
Postgraduate Student
Department of Classics and Ancient History


Research Interests: Classical reception in political theory, classical reception in eighteenth century America and Britain, early Christianity, first-century Jewish-Roman relations.

Current Projects: Stoicism and the American Revolution


Ms Frances Muecke
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Classics & Ancient History, SOPHI


Research Interests: She is currently working on an an edition of the Renaissance humanist Domizio Calderini’s ‘lost’ commentary on Silius Italicus, a critical edition of Andrea Fulvio's Antiquaria Urbis (1513), a translation of Biondo Flavio's Roma triumphans and an essay on the reception of Silius Italicus in Renaissance Italy. Publications include a book on C.-A. Dufresnoy’s De arte graphica, a collaboration with C. Allen and Y.A. Haskell, 2005 (Droz: Geneva).


Dr Anne Rogerson
Charles Tesoriero Senior Lecturer in Latin
Dept. of Classics & Ancient History, SOPHI


Research Interests: The main focus of my work is Virgil's epic poem, the Aeneid. I am interested in Virgil's representation of character and the ways in which he uses characters to talk about the past and future of the Roman people. I also work on the commentary tradition on Virgil, from late antiquity to the present, and on the influence of the Aeneid on later writing, from Renaissance Italy, to the Golden Age of detective fiction and beyond.

Current Projects: A commentary on Aeneid 8; the reception of the Classics in Dorothy L. Sayers' "Gaudy Night"; Maffeo Vegio's "Supplement" to the Aeneid.


University of Tasmania

Associate Professor Peter Davis


Research Interests: the reception of Senecan tragedy in Renaissance drama; Ovid's erotic poetry

Current Projects: the representation of war in Roman epic


University of Western Australia

Associate Professor Yasmin Haskell
Cassamarca Foundation Associate Professor in Latin Humanism
Chair of the Discipline Group in Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Dept. of Classics and Ancient History, School of Humanties


Research Interests: neo-Latin literature, especially poetry; early modern Jesuits; humanism and science and medicine.

Current Projects: A book on 'hypochondria' in early modern Italy; anthology of early modern scientific poetry; edited volume on 'Latinity and Alterity in the Early Modern Period' (with Juanita Ruys); various articles on the early modern reception of Lucretius.


Richard Read
Architecture, Landscape, Visual Art


Research Interests: British Grand Tour to Italy C17 to present; History of painting.

Current Projects: The Trope of Contrast in the British Grand Tour of Italy; Backs of Paintings from Classical Times to the Present.


University of Western Sydney

Dr Tracy D Olverson
Lecturer, School of Communication, Arts

Research Interests: Women Writers and the Classical Tradition; Classics in nineteenth-century British culture and intellectual life; representations of classical mythology in English Literature.

Current Projects: Representations of Ancient Rome in Nineteenth Century Britain.


Victoria University (Wellington)

Hamish Cameron
Lecturer, Department of Classics


Research Interests: Ancient history, geography and spatial theory, Hellenistic and Roman East, borderlands and spaces of imperial, religious, and cultural contact, urban and religious topography, ancient world in games and film, digital humanities

Current Projects: Hamish is planning a collaborative digital book project on aspects of the reception of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey as well as book chapters on Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Assassin’s Creed Origins. He also has papers in various stages of completion on the role of board games and roleplaying games in teaching ancient history.


Emeritus Professor John Davidson
Classics, School of Languages & Cultures


Research Interests: Greek drama and modern drama/opera; Greek mythology; New Zealand poetry.

Current Projects: Co-authorship of book on classical mythology in the work of New Zealand author James K. Baxter (1926-72); Articles on Baxter's four 'Greek' plays; Article on Richard Wagner and Greek tragedy.


Anna Jackson
Department of English


Research Interests: Research interests include girlhood and the Gothic, nineteenth century adolescence, medicine and literature, the verse biography (conference to be held in November, 2014) - but my interest in the classics is as a poet, in particular responding to Catullus.

Current Projects: I, Clodia - a collection of poetry forthcoming from Auckland University Press, November 2014. Reception theory: thinking about space and time, beyond the local, beyond the now.


Geoffrey Miles
Senior Lecturer
School of English, Film, Theatre, and Media Studies


Research Interests: Classical mythology in English literature; the Pygmalion legend; the classical world in Shakespeare and Renaissance drama.

Current Projects: Co-authored book (The Snake-Haired Muse) on classical mythology in the work of New Zealand poet James K. Baxter.


Simon Perris
Senior Lecturer
Department of Classics


Research Interests: Reception of Greek literature; Greek drama, especially Euripides; epic; reception theory and the classics.

Current Projects: Simon is currently writing a book on English-language translations and adaptations of Euripides’ Bakkhai, as well as working more broadly on classical reception in contemporary fiction.


Associate Professor Arthur Pomeroy
Department of Classics


Research Interests: The portrayal of the ancient world in film and on television. He has published on Ridley Scott\'s Gladiator as well as presenting papers on Alexander films, Odyssean themes, and classical references in Buffy the Vampire Slayer at various international conferences.

Current Projects: "And Then it was Destroyed by the Volcano": a book on depictions of the ancient world in film and television (Duckworth).


Dr Babette Puetz
Department of Classics, School of Art History, Classics and Religious Studies


Research Interests: Greek drama, especially Aristophanes, ancient mythology and its uses in modern literature, ancient Greek drinking parties.

Current Projects: animal imagery and species-boundary crossing of characters in Aristophanic comedy and other Greek drama.


Jo Whalley
Postgraduate Student
Department of Classics


Research Interests: Women in antiquity; feminist approaches to classics research; Greek tragedy and modern re-interpretation of this genre; classics on film; and several billion other things!

Current Projects: Currently I am a Ph.D. candidate investigating how the Amazons were presented in antiquity, and how the Amazon figure is still represented now, in media such as television and film.


Independent Scholars in Australasia

Dr Victoria Jennings
Independent Scholar, South Australia


Research Interests: ancient popular literature (in particular, the Life of Aesop); the Roman fable-writer Phaedrus; divination and popular culture; Ion of Chios; the classical tradition in Australia.


Australasians Abroad & Overseas Scholars of Ancient Receptions

Christian Blood
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature
Underwood International College
Yonsei University


Research Interests: Nachleben of Menippean satire and Roman prose fiction in the 18th-century English novel.

Current Projects: I'm currently adapting my dissertation, directed by Daniel L. Selden, into a series of articles. Presently, I'm working on the relationship between Horace's Ars Poetica (as it's misquoted in the second edition of Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto) and the Gothic novel.


Sinead Brennan-McMahon
PhD student
Department of Classics
Stanford University


Research Interests: Martial, epigrams, sexually obscene Latin poetry, reception, expurgation, censorship, textual criticism, philology, pseudepigraphy, digital humanities, AI.

Current Projects: Digital tool for analysis of the reception of Martial’s epigrams; 17th century pseudepigraphic tradition of Petronius’ Satyricon; software program to automate Latin recension and reception.


Dr Quentin J. Broughall
Independent Scholar


Research Interests: Quentin J. Broughall is an independent scholar and writer from Ireland. His doctoral thesis, 'Assuming the purple: the rehabilitation of ancient Rome in Victorian culture, 1837-1901' (2015), provided an interdisciplinary study of the changing profile of the Roman world in Britain during the nineteenth century. His current academic interests are centred upon the reception of antiquity in the Anglophone world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially how perceptions of imperial Rome evolved in Britain and the United States.

Current Projects: Quentin is currently writing his first novel and researching a book on Gore Vidal and the classical world.


Fryderyk Kwiatkowski
PhD Student
Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Origins, University of Groningen
Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University


Research Interests: Reception of Gnosticism and related heterodox currents in Western culture: theology, philosophy, esotericism, and fiction (film, literature, comic books, video games, TV shows).

Current Projects: I am currently writing a PhD thesis on the Gnostic myth in Hollywood (1990-2003).


Dr James McNamara
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Klassische Philologie, Universität Potsdam & Università degli Studi di Firenze


Research Interests: Reception of Classical texts in education. Particular focus on Caesar and Tacitus and their reception in Germany. Classical literature and history in early modern historiography.


Alexandre G. Mitchell
Associate Researcher
Institute of Archaeology
University of Oxford


Research Interests: Classical reception - Greek and Roman material culture, (Greek vases and Roman terracotta)

- Greek Vase Painting and the Origins of Visual Humour (Cambridge University
Press, 2009, 2012).
- 'Disparate bodies in ancient artefacts: the function of caricature and pathological grotesques among Roman terracotta figurines', in Laes, C. (ed.) (2012). Disparate Bodies "A Capite ad Calcem" in Ancient Rome, Leyden: Brill, 275-297.
- "Democracy and popular media. Classical receptions in 19th to 21st centuries political cartoons: statesmen, mythological figures and celebrated artworks, in artworks", in Hardwick, L., Harrison, S. J. (eds). Classics in the Modern World: A ŒDemocratic Turn‚? (O.U.P.), 319-349.

Current Projects: 1. Classical reception in political cartoons. A vast database of thousands of political cartoons from a great variety of newspapers and artists from around the world (1920s - today). 2. Writing a number of articles on various myths (Pandora, Herakles) in political cartoons. 3. Preparing a large monograph on the subject. 4. Director of Expressum (French to English Translation agency specialised in the field of classical and medieval studies) |


Dr Tiziana Ragno
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities
University of Foggia


Research Interests: Latin Literature (Petronius); reception of classical literature in the history of music (especially, opera).


Dr Kathleen Riley
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Corpus Christi College, Oxford


Research Interests: The reception and performance history of Greek and Roman tragedy.

Current Projects: Kathleen is working on an international and interdisciplinary study of the modernist reception of Greek Tragedy, The Shock of the Old. Her doctoral thesis, Reasoning Madness: The Reception and Performance of Euripides' Herakles, will be published as an Oxford Classical Monograph in 2008. She is also co-editor of Dionysus Recast: Ancient Drama on Modern Stages (Legenda, forthcoming).


Anastasia Summers
Associate Professor, Modern Lang. & Classics
University of Alabama, USA


Research Interests: Epic poetry, women studies, Athenian democracy and its legacy, classical tradition and reception.

Current Projects: A volume on women and the ideology of political exclusion in the past 2500 years.